Professional English of Environmental Engineering
总学时数: 32
总学分: 2
Part 1 Environmental Science (4 class hours)
Unit 1 Introduction of Environmental Science
Unit 2 Main Environmental Concerns
※Key points:Define “environmental science”. Why is environmental science important to understanding the impact of human activities on the natural environment? Describe the main cause of environmental pollution. List some other reasons you can think of. Give examples of environmental pollution incidents. Discuss possible solutions to this problem.
Part 2 Atmospheric Environment and Control of Air Pollution(8 class hours)
Unit 8 The Atmosphere
Unit 9 Types and Sources of Air Pollutants and Primary Air Pollutants
Unit 10 Photochemical Smog
Unit 11 Acid Rain
Unit 12 Global Warming and Climate Change
Unit 13 Ozone Layer
Unit 14 Introduction to Air Pollution Control
Unit 15 Control of Air Pollutant
※Key points: Briefly answer the importance of the atmosphere for human. The atmosphere can be divided into several layers. How the layers are defined? Briefly answer the harm of ozone. Explain in detail how we can reduce the occurrence of photochemical smog? How are VOCs formed? What is acid deposition? What causes acid deposition? Describe in brief some measures we can do to reduce the Greenhouse Gas Emissions.What can we do to repair the ozone hole? The cooling methods adopted universally to cool the equipment that produces exhaust gases? How is carbon dioxide produced? Briefly describe the current approach to CO2 emission reduction?
Part 3 Water and Pollution Control (6 class hours)
Unit 16 The Hydrologic Cycle and the Water Issues
Unit 17 Sources of Water Pollution and Primary Pollutants
Unit 18 Measurement of Water Quality
Unit 19 Conventional and New Techniques of Wastewater Treatment
Unit 20 Water Reuse and Recycling
Unit 21 Water Contaminant Monitoring
※Key points:What is the hydrologic cycle? As one kind of water pollutants, how would “heat” affect the environment? What do agricultural wastes mainly refer to? Point out some of its characteristics based on the article. Name three types of samples you would need to seed if you wanted to measure their BOD. What systems are selected in central wastewater treatment to achieve effluent standards of wastewater? Give certain reasons to show the necessity of water contaminant monitoring.
Part 4 Soil Environment and Pollution Controlling(2 class hours)
Unit 22 Soil
Unit 23 Soil Pollution
Unit 24 New Methods of Cleaning up Heavy Metal in Soils and Waters
Unit 25 Soil Degradation
※Key points:What are the functions of soil? Describe the factors that influence soil formation. List five kinds of soil pollutants. What are the advantages and disadvantages of excavation? Which method developed is considered best to clean up heavy metal contaminated soil, excavation, stabilization or phytoremediation? What can land management practices help to contain and control soil degradation?
Part 5 Solid Waste Treatment and Reuse(12 class hours)
Unit 26 Sources and Types of Solid Wastes
Unit 27 Handling Household Hazardous Waste (HHW)
Unit 28 Impacts of Solid Wastes
Unit 29 Waste Transformation through Combustion
Unit 30 Waste Transformation through Aerobic Composting
Unit 31 The Landfill Method of Solid Waste Disposal
Unit 32 Biological Process Selection
※Key points:How are sources of solid wastes in a community generally categorized? What categories do the RCRA hazardous wastes in MSW generally fall into? What factors should be taken into consideration as we locate hazardous waste management facilities? What is the major concern of modernization and progress in terms of handling solid wastes? What impacts do solid wastes have on health? Describe the relationship between climate change and solid waste.
1、<![endif]>教材:环境科学与工程专业英语 张颖主编第一版 中国农业出版社 2009 全国高等农林院校“十一五”规划教材
环境科学与工程专业英语 潘宇主编哈尔滨工程大学出版社 2006